Hotelivate’s Hotel Check-In: Q2 2024/25 (July-Sept)
Hotelivate’s Hotel Check-in (HCI): India Quarterly Report is an update on critical metrics and data points for the Indian Hospitality Industry. The sector has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years and is now slowly achieving a state of maturity. Q2 2024/25 recorded a 5.5% growth in ADR and 3.5% growth in occupancy compared to the same quarter last year. In this dynamic context, we are proud to present this quarterly report, which condenses key industry information and updates on select listed companies in a user-friendly format.
The report includes quarterly updates on:
- India’s hotel industry performance with a focus on a few key markets
- Metrics of select listed companies
- Air passenger traffic
- Grade-A Commercial Space
The past 15 months have witnessed the IPOs of numerous hotel companies on the Indian stock exchanges, with even more expected before the close of this fiscal. Concurrently, previously listed hotel stocks are enjoying record-high market capitalisations. This maturity necessitates a QoQ comparison to effectively explore the trendlines within the sector, which we achieve by analyzing the listed hospitality universe. These select hospitality companies represent a significant portion of the branded supply (~30%). We have selected 8 hotel companies whose individual hotel supply (including pipeline) is over 2,000 rooms each. Wherever relevant, Hotelivate has opted to include the consolidated, not standalone, numbers as reported by the listed hotel companies.
Selected publicly listed hotel companies
- Chalet Hotels Limited (NSE Symbol: CHALET)
- EIH Limited (NSE Symbol: EIHOTEL)
- Juniper Hotels Limited (NSE Symbol: JUNIPER)
- Lemon Tree Hotels Limited (NSE Symbol: LEMONTREE)
- Apeejay Surrendra Park Hotels Limited (NSE Symbol: PARKHOTELS)
- Royal Orchid Hotels Limited (NSE Symbol: ROHLTD)
- SAMHI Hotels Limited (NSE Scrip Code: SAMHI)
Please note that this report presents data and associated analytics “as is.” The primary objective is to provide information and insights derived from the data. It does not aim to opine or provide any subjective commentary. The report utilises data as provided by the individual companies and financial data websites.
For more information, please reach out to us at [email protected]